Pew Research Center survey data (April 2021) reported that 91% of U.S. adults are in favor of legalizing marijuana for either recreational or medicinal use.
Over 68% of Americans now favor legalizing marijuana, according to the most recent Gallup poll (November 2021) — the highest percentage support ever reported in a nationwide scientific poll.
Worldwide many cannabis derived drugs have been developed and approved.
Let’s do this. After all, the Ancestors were right.
#legalize #legalizeitalready #fulllegalization #decriminalize #deschedule #deschedulecannabis #expunge #clemency #cannabisreform #marijuanareform
#CBD #CBDoil #CBDlife #LatinCBDoil #THC #hemp #medicinalherbs #medicinalplants #herbs #botánica #420 #420life #cannabis #marijuana #botica #farmacia
#curandera #curandero #genealogy #ancestors #foodasmedicine #foodismedicine #NTM #NaturalTraditionalMedicine #greenmedicine #plantmedicine