Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a multi-day celebration which reunites the departed ancestors with the living.
The tradition of Dia De Los Muertos dates back to the Aztecs of Mexico, who had a month-long celebration of death in honor of Mictecacihuatl, the Goddess of the Underworld. She and her husband Miclantecuhtl rule over the land of Mictlan, the Underworld or the Dreamland. We also know her as La Santa Muerta.
During this important celebration, grave sites and private altars or ofrendas are constructed and decorated in honor of the departed using marigolds (Flor De Muertos).
The marigold flowers decorating the altar and the sprinkled marigold petals are believed to help spirits find the altar with their strong scent and bright color. The marigolds beckon the Spirits of the Dead to return.
The Dia De Los Muertos altar would also typically include candles, pictures of the deceased, and foods including Sugar Skulls inscribed with the name of a deceased relative that are eaten as a reminder of death being a sweet continuation of the cycle of life. Skulls are thought to date back to the pre-Hispanic era.
How do you honor your ancestors?
#DiaDeLosMuertos #DayofTheDead #AllSaintsDay #DiaDeLosInocentes #DiaDeLosAngelitos #DiaDeLosDifuntos #AllSoulsDay #DayofTheDead #Ofrenda #SugarSkulls #Marigolds #Catrina #Aztec #Mexico #MexicoCity #Ancestors
#Mictecacihuatl #LadyOfTheDead #GoddessOfTheUnderworld #LaSantaMuerte #OurLadyofHolyDeath #Miclantecuhtl #Mictlan #genealogy