Today is World AIDS Day 2021. The world has made significant progress against HIV/AIDS. Global deaths from AIDS have halved over the past decade.
Some progress originates with the study of medicinal plants used worldwide. In 1985 a study of medicinal plants used by the Indigenous peoples of Falealupo, Samoa was done. For many generations, traditional healers in Samoa have used the Mamala plant, found in local rainforests, to treat hepatitis, intestinal complaints and acute viral infections.
Researchers identified prostratin, extracted from the bark of the Mamala plant, as a potential anti-retroviral agent against HIV/AIDS. Prostratin is one of many plants used in natural traditional medicine that prove hopeful for the future eradication of AIDS.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions that you may have regarding a medical condition.
Shown below: Mamala Plant
#WorldAidsDay #WorldAidsDay2021 #EndInequalities #EndAIDS #EndPandemics #EndInequalitiesEndAIDSEndPandemics #UNAIDS #HIVAlliance #RockTheRibbon #EndingTheHIVEpidemicEquitableAccessEveryonesVoice
#HIV #HumanImmunodeficiencyVirus #AIDS #AcquiredImmunodeficiencySyndrome #DrAnthonyFauci #AnthonyFauci #Samoa #FalealupoCovenant #ethnobotany #Prostratin #CBD #CBDoil #CBDlife #LatinCBDoil #THC #hemp #medicinalherbs #medicinalplants #herbs #botánica #420 #420life #linkinbio #cannabis #culturaCubana #botica #farmacia #Cuba #Cuban #Cubana #NYC #curandera #curandero
#genealogy #ancestors #foodasmedicine #foodismedicine #naturaltraditionalmedicine #greenmedicine #plantmedicine #knowyourweed #superfoods
