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The 5 Sacred Hindu Plants

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

The oldest sacred scriptures found in the Hindu religion are known as The Vedas and date to around 1500 BCE. Vedas means knowledge. In the Hindu religion, plants have particular importance as they are perceived as sacred and worshipped as deities.

The Vedas list 5 plants that can enhance the prosperity and positivity of homes and are therefore considered essential.

Holy Basis is considered to be the most sacred of the plants mentioned in The Vedas. Holy Basil is worshipped and regarded with the same respect as a Goddess. Every religious event and ritual is pronounced with the leaves of Holy Basil, which is why Holy Basil is found in every Indian household and considered as a symbol of purity.

Neem is the Indian Lilac and is considered an auspicious plant and useful for attracting positivity.

Sandalwood is said to scent the whole of paradise with its fragrance. Sandalwood is considered the epitome of excellence.

Jasmine has a very pleasing aroma which has the ability to attract positivity by uplifting the spirit. It is said to enhance harmony in love.

Cannabis, also known as Bhang, is recognized as a sacred and essential plant in Vedas due to its close association with Lord Shiva, who is believed to have introduced cannabis to humankind. Many sages used Cannabis for advancing in spirituality due to its property of driving one into higher consciousness. To see Cannabis leaves in a dream is considered lucky as it brings wealth and prosperity into the dreamer’s life. Since ancient times Cannabis has been cultivated for both medicinal and spiritual purposes.


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