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Yoga In Cuba

In Cuba, Natural Traditional Medicine (NTM) is also referred to as Green Medicine, or Medicina Verde. Neighborhoods in Cuba will generally include a “Green Pharmacy” where patients can avail themselves of medicinal herbs and alternative medicines with which to heal their ailments. Interestingly, the practice of Green Medicine today includes yoga, tai chi, massage and the use of medicinal plants.

Yoga was introduced to Cuba by way of a young Eduardo Pimentel Vázquez, who became a self taught Yogi in the 1970’s after reading the classic text, Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar. The two men began exchanging correspondence during which time Eduardo began his yoga practice in Havana in 1982.

After becoming the advisor to the Ministry of Heath Care, Eduardo Pimentel Vázquez went on to form the Cuban Yoga Association in 1990. Today Maestro Eduardo is considered the face of yoga in Cuba and well known from his many books and television broadcasts.

His contribution to the wellbeing of the Cuban people has been significant. I would love to take a yoga glass with Eduardo. Wouldn’t you?

Photo Credit: Robert Sturman


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